Products / NEO3W

The NEO3W has been designed to be wall mounted bringing a new dimension to contemporary real fire heating.

With a simple to use single air control and an easy to empty ashpan which slides towards you to enable the lid to be fitted and then lift the ashpan out and carry outside safe in the knowledge the ashes are safely contained and won’t blow about in the wind, the NEO has been designed for ease of use.


Height – 698mm
Width – 490mm
Depth – 397mm
Output Range – 5kw nominal (3.5Kw min / 8.5Kw max)
Efficiency – 74.4% gross 81.8% nett
Weight – 90Kg
Flue Diameter – 125mm
Smoke Exempt? – Yes - approved by DEFRA for woodburning in smoke controlled areas
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